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Let's talk about vision

China headquarters

Call +86 029 848 88888
Email info@eyedeal.com
Xi′an Eyedeal Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
Building 3, Technology Enterprise Accelerator, West No.2, Qinling Avenue, Caotang Technology Industry Base,
Hi-tech Zone, 710304, Xi′an Shaanxi China

T +86 029 848 88888
Email info@eyedeal.com

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    Investor relations

    Investor relations

    As a leading medical device company, Eyedeal has obtained strategic investment from world-renowned angel investors and venture capital institutions. The company will cooperate with various institutions in a wide range of fields to fulfil our vision.


    Help bring better intraocular lenses to every patient who needs them

    Eyedeal is dedicated to innovating, manufacturing and distributing high performance IOLs.We seek qualified people to join our skilled, dedicated, highly motivated team.

    Space for many talents

    Intraocular lens development involves many disciplines. We especially value experience in materials, optics, mechanics and medicine.

    Our team includes academic and scientific leaders in IOL innovation and related fields.

    Fast track growth

    Dedicated, responsible employees are key to our success.

    We are committed to providing team members with opportunities to develop their careers.

    With Eyedeal you can look forward to many development opportunities, a safe work environment, and competitive salary and benefits.

    Open minds and hearts

    As an equal opportunity employer, Eyedeal values diversity and respects the individual.

    Team members are encouraged to maximize their knowledge and skills. We recognize and reward performance with various incentives.

    Eyedeal treats each employee fairly and respectfully, and conforms to all local laws and practices.

    Media center

    News on ophthalmology and intraocular lenses

    Eyedeal xPIB IOL

    Pantheon Vision CEO John Sheets Visits Xi’an Eyedeal Medical Technology Inc. Ltd, Forging Multi-Strategic Alliances

    Former FDA CDRH Director of Device Evaluation and Pantheon Vision President/CEO, Dr. John Sheets, recently visited…

    Professor Gerd U. Auffarth, world-renowned cataract expert and scientific advisor of Eyedeal Medical, received AAO Lifetime Achievement Award

    The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) recently presented Professor Gerd U. Auffarth, scientific advisor of Xi’an…

    ExThera Medical’s CEO Bob Ward Receives Prestigious BioMedSA Award for Innovation in Healthcare and Bioscience Including a Groundbreaking Device to Treat COVID-19

    Editor's note:  Robert Ward, member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of Xi′an Eyedeal Medical Technology Co., Ltd.…

    Xi’an Eyedeal’s xPIB Intraocular Lens Clinical Trial Completes Its Enrollment

    Xi’an Eyedeal Medical Technology announced that it completed the enrollment of its xPIB intraocular lens clinical trial…

    Dr. Robert Ward, Scientific Advisor of Xi’an Eyedeal Medical, Academician of The American Academy of Engineering Won Gold Prize in the 2022 “Edison Award”

    Lately, the world-renowned "Edison Award" announced the winners of 2022. Robert Ward, Scientific Advisor of Xi’an…

    China’s National Key R&D Programmes

    Eyedeal Medical successfully held a press conference about the cross-linked polyolefin intraocular lens clinical trial…

    Eyedeal’s new generation of intraocular lenses debuted at the12th CIMDR

    International Conference on Medical Device Supervision and Administration From September 24 to 26, the 12th…

    Xi’an Ophthalmology Biomaterials Engineering Technology Research Center is recognized as a municipal engineering center

    On November 4, Xi'an Science and Technology Bureau identified Xi'an Ophthalmology Biomaterials Engineering Technology…

    Cross-linked polyisobutylene intraocular lenses enter the National Medical Products Administration’s special review procedure for innnovative medical devices

    On May 21, the official NMPA website announced that cross-linked polyisobutylene intraocular lenses declared by Xi'an…

    Eyedeal’s Shaanxi Province post-doctoral innovation base approved

    The Human Resources and Social Security Department of Shaanxi Province has confirmed approval for Xi'an Eyedeal Medical…

    Eyedeal establishes academician expert workstation

    On May 24 Xi'an Eyedeal Medical Technology Co., Ltd. hosted an event to launch its academician expert workstation.…

    Xi’an Eyedeal academician expert workstation successfully approved and Chief Scientific Advisor Leonard Pinchuk wins Russ Prize

    On January 24, the Organization Department of the Xi’an Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the…

    Zhong Hongjiang meets Leonard Pinchuk, academician of the National Academy of Engineering and other experts from Xi’an Eyedeal

    On November 5, Zhong Hongjiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of…

    Xi’an Eyedeal establishes the National Key R&D Program special expert steering committee

    The 2017 annual meeting of the "National Key R&D Program" led by Xi'an Eyedeal Medical Technology Co., Ltd. was held…

    Professor Ge Jian, Chief Scientist of the National 973 Project, discusses the promising market for Xi’an-made intraocular lenses

    This interview was conducted October 13 at the National Key R&D Program key special project kick-off meeting and…

    Eyedeal holds National Key R&D Program key special project launch and biomedical technology industrialization development forum in Xi’an

    On October 13, Xi'an Eyedeal’s National Key R&D Program event was hosted by the China Biotechnology Development…


    Eyedeal Innovation Research Institute

    We continue to explore the boundaries of science, develop innovative medical devices, and bring patients better vision.

    The Eyedeal Innovation Research Institute is led by the Principal Investigator of the national key research and development program, Sanqin scholars and other well-known experts in the industry. The research institute helps cultivate talents and high-level scientific research teams in the fields of polymer, chemistry, optics, mechanical/biomedical engineering and clinical around the world; and is committed to innovative R&D and to expand Eyedeal’s product pipeline.

    From R&D design, R&D product strategy formulation, to the whole life cycle and development and listing, the Eyedeal Innovation Research Institute covers a wide range of fields such as ophthalmology and clinical solutions.

    China’s National Key R&D Program

    The Ministry of Science and Technology issues national key R&D plans to address major scientific and technological issues concerning the national economy and people’s livelihood, the core competitiveness of industry, the innovation capability and national security.

    Eyedeal is honored to undertake this glorious mission and is responsible for the national key R&D project of application of high-tech biomedical materials to develop a new generation of intraocular lens products.

    Breaking through the technical bottleneck of national economic and social development, Eyedeal, with this mission in mind, strives to bring a new type of intraocular lens product made from cross-linked polyolefin material, to the market, ending the monopoly of foreign pharmaceutical giants in the high-end intraocular lens industry.

    Academician expert workstation

    In 2019, the Academician Expert Workstation of Xi’an Eyedeal Medical Technology Co., Ltd. led by Lin Pinchuk, a member of the American Academy of Engineering, was officially unveiled.

    Eyedeal will give full play to the technical leading role of the academician and expert workstation, seize existing opportunities, continue to gather global talents, and continue to carry out high-level international scientific and technological cooperation.

    The academician expert workstation will significantly drive Eyedeal, enhance the company’s technological innovation capabilities, cultivate a professional innovation team with international competitiveness, and accelerate the advent of a new generation of intraocular lenses and subsequent product pipelines around the world, and bring good news to the majority of patients.

    Postdoctoral innovation base

    In 2019, Eyedeal was approved to establish a post-doctoral innovation base in Shaanxi Province.

    The post-doctoral research workstation is the link between enterprises and university research institutes to carry out industry-university-research cooperation. Eyedeal will gradually improve the high-level talent training system of school-enterprise cooperation and jointly explore the frontier of intelligent learning.

    Eyedeal will continue to give full play to the advantages of this platform, further strengthen the introduction and training of high-end talents, increase the strength of independent innovation, and continuously improve the quality of scientific research. Closely combining scientific research with industrial needs, and supporting scientific researchers conducting extensive academic research, will truly realize the deep integration of production, education and research, and contribute to scientific and technological innovation, and economic and social development.

    Material advantages – xPIB


    Eyedeal 5th generation IOL is made of xPIB (crosslinked polyisobutylene), a polyolefin-based polymer.

    xPIB is a safe biomaterial with excellent optical properties. We hold an exclusive global patent for the use of xPIB.

    Clear, undistorted vision

    Eyedeal xPIB has an uniform molecular structure with high modulus strain and ultimate tensile strength compared with other IOL materials.

    xPIB achieves high refractive index (>1.51) and high Abbe number (50) simultaneously, leading to a reduced chromatic aberration and better optical performance.

    Glistening-free, no calcification

    Eyedeal IOL significantly improves unmet needs of current IOLs.

    Glistening free, no calcification. Reduced incidence of postoperative dysphotopsia, posterior capsule opacification (PCO), tissue fibrosis.

    Microincision, large optics

    Superior mechanical properties, great elongation rate enables xPIB IOL with both microincision and large optics.

    An optical diameter of 6.5mm or more significantly reduces postoperative dysphotopsia, improves otpical performance.

    Great biocompatibility

    xPIB shows great biocompatibility, biostability, and no inflammation after implantation.

    A similar polyolefin-based polymer SIBS had been used as coating on drug-eluting stent for over 20 years.

    Superb solutions

    Its superb material characteristics make it a perfect candidate for accommodative IOL.

    Eyecare professionals can look forward to a new era of improved treatments for their patients.

    Intraocular lens development

    Eyedeal xPIB 5th generation lenses are a major advance in the evolution of cataract surgical implants.

    Cross-linked polyisobutylene

    Eyedeal xPIB
    Advantages: High refractive index and high Abbe number; large optics and microincision; glistening-free, no calcification

    Hydrophobic acrylic

    Great physicochemical properties, improved posterior capsule opacification (PCO) rate compared with hydrophilic acrylic

    Glistening, postoperative glare and flashing

    Hydrophilic acrylic

    High flexibility
    High PCO rate, calcification


    Good transparency, light
    Low refractive index, unstable in silicone oil


    Heavy, not resistant to high temperature

    Contact us to know our
    Eyedeal IOL research